Friday, November 4, 2011

Its Friday!!

G'morning, here is is Friday my fave day cause tomorrow starts yet another weekend.. this weekend in our lil town is a Craft Fair held in one of our biggest Rec Centers, there is crafts, of all kinds from people from all over the north.. and the food is divine, our youngest daughter goes in and sells her beautiful baby sweaters and little slippers she has made by herself of course.. the other daughter used to sell magnetic bracelets but has since sold off her stock.. its a good time.. and a great place to pick up Xmas gifts.. Two nights ago, I cut up the pumpkin and cooked it all, gave half to Tasha and half went in our feezer for cooking down the road.. Torey and I made Pumpkin seeds with the recipie given to her by a friend omgosh were they ever good..we've had a bit of snow on Nov 2 but it is gone but the temps are chilly so the white stuff is on its way for sure.. Have a good day and talk to you soon..

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